A word from the Director

Dr. Ionut Florescu, Director of Hanlon Labs, addresses fellow students and colleagues.
We have a new website!
We completely redesigned this site to contain all information related to our activities. We welcome any suggestions. (send to fscadmin@stevens.edu)

George Calhoun shares his take on financial markets on Forbes!

Remote Bloomberg terminals and Capital IQ for you to use!
Request access to our resources!
Faculty spotlight: Majeed Simaan
Majeed Simaan is a tenure-track assistant professor of Finance and Financial Engineering at Stevens. He holds a Ph.D. in Finance from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. His research interests revolve around risk management, with a focus on asset allocation and pricing.
Student spotlight: Tulsi Patel

Influenced by her cousin — the first in her family to pursue higher education — Tulsi Patel graduated in December 2019 with a master’s degree in Computer Science from Stevens.
Student spotlight: Dami Seweje

"My favorite part about Stevens is probably Hanlon Lab I because of the Bloomberg terminals — it makes me feel like I am working at a trading desk."
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Hanlon Financial Systems Center | Stevens Institute of Technology