Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) is a database of 20,035 U.S. economic time series, including growth, employment, inflation, labor, manufacturing and other US economic statistics from the research department of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
About FRED (read more here):
"Since its inception, FRED has contained many of the more popular figures reported by the Board of Governors, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and Census—among others. Through time, FRED has expanded its collection to include many more international, national, and regional data series."
"The data are accessible from a variety of different hardware and software, with the primary point of access being the FRED website. From the homepage, users can choose to search for the data by typing in their search term or alternatively can browse the data through other organized points of access. Data are browsable by (1) source (the institution or company that produces the data), (2) release (the document associated with the data’s publication), (3) category (a list of data topics as organized by the FRED staff), (4) latest update (the most recently updated data), and (5) tags."
For you to get started searching for FRED datasets to download, this guide may be useful.
FRED also has many tools for you to interact and learn more about its data. Many datasets are released on a set schedule, which can be found on FRED's release calendar. FRED also has an add-in for Excel, which can make downloading and updating spreadsheets with FRED data much easier. For developers, the FRED API can be useful.
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis also has a research division which contains the latest research news, publications, and working papers.
A piece of example FRED data is shown below.

For any questions or concerns, please contact us at fscadmin@stevens.edu.