Hanlon FSC Newsletter March 2023
Hello! Hope everyone had a great start to the new year. As the spring approaches, Hanlon Financial Systems Lab has been gearing itself with robust technologies and interesting agendas planned for the rest of the year, let us have a look!
Hanlon Lab Upgrades

In this video, Mr. Zheng Xing, who works as a System Administrator at the Hanlon Lab, talks about the state-of-the-art Hanlon lab.
He provides information about the computing resources such as workstations and servers and data resources which are available on the website.
The video further delves into the upgrades done to the hardware to make it more efficient.
The lab also has the most updated audio video capabilities with newly installed cameras, projectors, and softwares to support it.
In addition, the video outlines the responsibilities of a lab assistant and also what makes for a good lab assistant for current and prospective students.
Hanlon Lab Assistants - ‘Experience so far’
- Our graduating lab assistants discuss the valuable skills they gained while working in the lab, such as technical knowledge, problem-solving abilities, and teamwork skills.
- The video highlights the importance of hands-on experience in preparing students for future careers in scientific research or related fields.
- Graduating students reflect on the connections they made with faculty members, graduate students, and fellow undergraduates while working in the lab.
- Overall, the video showcases the experiences of graduating students who worked as lab assistants at a university technical lab, emphasizing the value of this type of work in developing skills, gaining experience, and building professional connections.
Trading Day 2023

The School of Business at Stevens Institute of Technology organized a virtual trading competition using the MarketWatch Virtual Stock Exchange trading simulator.
The competition started on February 1st and ran until February 28th, 2023.
Students having portfolios with extraordinary performance were invited to Stevens' campus in Hoboken, NJ, on March 31st, 2023, for a live trading competition and prizes.
The event also included a tutorial on how to use a Bloomberg terminal, a meet and greet with finance professors, and a campus tour. The competition offered an excellent opportunity for students to showcase their skills in finance and potentially win exciting prizes.

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Hanlon Financial Systems Center | Stevens Institute of Technology