A word from the Deputy Director

Dragos Bozdog, Deputy Director of Hanlon Labs, shares updates for December 2021 with fellow students and colleagues.
New registration listing for Spring 2022: FE529 GPU Computing in Finance
To learn more about the course and its focus on deep reinforcement learning
Note: Prerequisite of FE522 C++ Programming in Finance to be removed. Please send a prerequisite override in the system. We use Python for all the coding.
Le Su reflects on his time at Stevens as an FE student
After graduating from Stevens six years ago, I still recall the first time I came to Stevens and looked at the shining screens in Hanlon Financial Systems Lab. I told myself that I would do everything I could to become an excellent engineer, analyst, and researcher. My learning experiences at Stevens changed my understanding of education itself.
The official launch of the CRAFT Fintech Research Center With RPI, NSF
Stevens Institute of Technology hosted the launch of the first-ever National Science Foundation-backed (NSF) fintech research center October 28-29 in a two-day hybrid conference with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), industry members, NSF officials, and others.

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Hanlon Financial Systems Center | Stevens Institute of Technology