Word from the Deputy Director: December 2021

Dear students/faculty/staff,

As we are approaching the end of Fall semester, we celebrate the achievements of all our students during these challenging times. The Hanlon Lab resumed to full operations with infrastructure upgrades and additional financial database subscriptions. Before the start of Spring semester, new video conferencing monitors will be installed in Hanlon Lab I. Our website https://fsc.stevens.edu/ provides a comprehensive view of our current capabilities and it has updated information about access methods to various databases, computational resources, virtualization environment, software, and course information relevant to the quantitative finance, financial engineering, financial analytics, and other fields. We announce a new registration listing for Spring 2022: FE529 GPU Computing in Finance, with a focus on reinforcement learning and deep reinforcement learning. This is a much-needed course, indeed!

During the last two months, several student teams from Stevens participated in the 2021 Bloomberg Global Trading Challenge, a university investment competition that took place entirely within the Bloomberg Terminal. The prestigious competition enrolled 488 teams worldwide with almost 3,000 participants. Two of our Stevens teams coordinated by Raj and Harshil ranked in Top Ten in North America Leaderboard. The other Stevens teams coordinated by Shikhar, Abhimanyu, and Yash ranked top 12% of the entire competition. We congratulate our student teams for their outstanding performance in the competition!

We wish you a wonderful winter break and Happy Holidays!

If you have any stories or Stevens-related news you'd like to share with the community, please use this link. Our staff will contact you to write an article that could be included in the next Hanlon Lab newsletter. You can also email us at fscadmin@stevens.edu.

Dragos Bozdog
Deputy Director Hanlon Laboratories
December 2021