Spotlight Series

Showcasing the current lab assistants of the Hanlon Financial Lab

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#HFSLspotlight "Hi, my name is Shenze. I graduated last December with a master's degree in financial engineering and I just joined the web development team at the Hanlon lab. Before joining this team I was working as an actuarial analyst in a risk management company in Philadelphia, and I left the company because the company was not able to sponsor my VISA. It is a great honor to work in the lab because I had so much wonderful memories of having class in the lab, and it feels awesome to get back here. Although I have only worked for a couple of weeks, I love the atmosphere here. Everyone is so friendly and very helpful too. During the COVID-19 outbreak, I basically had nothing to do but I did enjoy playing with my two cats."

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#HFSLspotlight “Hi! My name is Tulsi, and I graduated from Stevens Institute of Technology in December 2019 with a master’s degree in Computer Science. During my time at Stevens, I worked in the Hanlon Lab as a lab assistant Web Development. I have spent most of my time working in the Research Room on the 4th floor overlooking Hanlon Lab I. My role in the lab was to help with the website development project and I really enjoyed working with the entire team. From group meetings to discussions with Professors and assisting students with lab facilities, the experience gained is unparalleled and it facilitated me in landing a full-time job as a Software Engineer. My full-time job was supposed to start in April 2019, but the COVID-19 pandemic happened, and my start date got deferred. To stay active during these perilous times, I decided to work as a volunteer in an area directly related to my Masters degree. I approached Prof. Ionut Florescu and he was more than happy to have me as a part-time volunteer with the Hanlon Lab. In the meantime, I landed another volunteer position with JerseySTEM (a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing STEM education to pre-teen and teenage girls and underserved children in New Jersey). Working with these two organizations is helping me give back to the community and stay optimistic in these difficult times. I love cooking and, during quarantine, I am also spending lots of time in the kitchen, trying out new recipes and indulging myself with good food."

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#HFSLspotlight "Hi, I'm Akash! I'm an Artificial Intelligence grad student at Stevens. I'm also a photographer and a videographer. I've been working in the lab's media department since January. Working here allows me to keep my creative side alive while I get a technical degree. I absolutely love working here, everyone is super friendly and helpful. Last semester, I took 4 courses and each course had a final project. It was very tiring, and to make up for that, I'm playing a lot of video games during this quarantine. Also, to keep myself busy during COVID-19, I'm reading a lot of research papers on deep learning related to image processing. I have always wanted to make use of AI in the photography domain."

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#HFSLspotlight "I’m Dami, I’m graduating in 2021, and I’m a student lab data assistant. My favorite parts of the Hanlon Lab are the fourth floor and also the big duo computer screens; they make working easier for me. I’ve been working here for about 4 months now. I really liked taking Stochastic Calculus in the lab. My favorite part of working at the lab is helping my fellow students while still gaining experience and continuously improving my programming and data manipulation skills. I’m looking for a job as a Quantitative Analyst in the future. During quarantine, I’ve actually been doing a lot of baking, and it’s been very therapeutic for me. Stevens’ constant dissemination of information and provision of resources with information on how to cope with the current COVID-19 situation has been very helpful."

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#HFSLspotlight “I’m Rohnit Shetty and I’ve been working as the Data Lab Assistant for the Hanlon Lab since January. My favorite part of the Hanlon Lab is the Research Room. As far as I know, everyone who uses that room loves it. The room’s quiet and has a Mac, a Linux and a Windows Machine with Bloomberg terminal. The best part of working here is that since I’m normally a full stack developer, I am expected to function as an efficient Data Assistant instead. This allows me to leave my comfort zone and learn and apply whatever I can to this job. Also, my interests in the financial field could never be fulfilled in any Computer Science class, so working as a Data Assistant lets me explore my interests better. I already have secured a job as an Associate Application Developer. I look forward to taking all the experience from Hanlon Lab to my next job when I graduate this summer. In terms of the pandemic, COVID-19 really let me get back into my writing hobby. I had an unfinished book that I intend to complete before we are back into our offices. I found out that isolation works best to support my hobby. In terms of academics, professors and faculty have been very resourceful. I hope that when we transition back on-campus, everything sails smoothly.”

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#HFSLspotlight “Hi! I’m Camille, and I’m a 3/4 Science, Technology & Society and Visual Arts & Technology dual degree major at Stevens. I’ve been working as a lab assistant in media development since January. I love working with the entire HFSL team while learning more about Stevens’ current financial research projects, and creating videos about those projects. When I graduate, I’d like to look for jobs in video, augmented reality, or business transformation. At the lab, I spent most of my time in the research room, working on our first major video before the COVID-19 outbreak. Now, we’re switching to making videos about more pressing topics such as how students are coping with the current pandemic. To keep busy during quarantine, I like hanging out on my roof when it’s nice out and taking photos of everything going on.”

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#HFSLspotlight “My name is Vardaan. I have been working as a Researcher/Lab assistant at the Hanlon Financial Lab for more than a year now. My favorite part of the lab is the access to a lot of computing power to help conduct experiments for my project. I like the lab on the 4th floor since it’s cozy and also lets me talk to other people working on the project on the same floor. My favorite class was stochastic calculus. I am looking for jobs in the field of Machine Learning with applications to finance. To keep busy at home during the COVID-19 outbreak, I am ticking off novels I had on my list for a long time. Stevens has been really swift and helpful during these time by converting classes online, relaxing grading and homework deadlines and also helping graduating students like myself with the next step forward.”

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