March 2021 Newsletter

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News from the Hanlon Financial Systems Center
News from the Hanlon Financial Systems Center at Stevens Institute of Technology: Vol. 1, No. 2
A word from Dr. Ionut Florescu
Dr. Ionut Florescu, Director of Hanlon Labs, shares updates for March 2021 with fellow students and colleagues.

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Go follow @hanlonlab on Instagram for the latest lab news, updates, and events!
Barron's Subscription
Access to the Barron's is now available to every member of the Stevens community! Barron's is one of America's leading financial news resources. To get immediate access to Barron's, register using this link with your Stevens email address.
George Calhoun's Forbes article on
GameStop / GameStonk
Speaking on GameStop’s recent eruption this past February, Professor Calhoun counters the opinion that the investors involved in the stock were acting with wildly irrational motives. He proposes that the market itself is not exactly “rational”; that “share prices no longer reflect the underlying asset-value”. But Calhoun suggests that the GME event is actually the result of a process that is hyper-rational. Outlining the standard assumptions of the stock market, Calhoun goes on to describe the several situations where one or both of these assumptions are invalid. Using these examples, he explains how the GME event came to be, and how Reddit users designed a novel and extremely effective corner by combining two different techniques: a short squeeze, which is relatively well understood, and a new innovation called a Gamma Squeeze. Read more
Alumni Spotlight: Xiaodi Zhu
Alumna Xiaodi Zhu, Ph.D. in Financial Engineering 2018 (advisor Steve Yang), was able to obtain her dream job after graduation: teaching others. Currently an assistant professor at New Jersey City University in the Department of Finance, Xiaodi (known as Coco to her friends) teaches both graduate and undergraduate courses in data science and finance, while also conducting additional research and surveys as a part of her position.

Upcoming Events
Career Development Workshop Series: Business Etiquette & Communication
Learn proper business etiquette and accepted practices so you can navigate the job search process successfully and build a strong network of professionals.
March 24, 2021 | 4-5 pm

Career Development Workshop Series: You Got the Offer! Now What?
What should you do next? We will cover salary & benefit package evaluation, salary negotiation techniques, and how to navigate difficult situations such as asking for an extension!
March 31, 2021 | 4-5 pm

Career Development Workshop Series: Interviewing Techniques
Nail the interview! It's all about the preparation...Learn how to make a great first impression, answer behavioral questions, and navigate tough unexpected questions. You will learn how to tell your story and showcase your skills and experiences.
April 14, 2021 | 4-5 pm
Hanlon Financial Systems Center | Stevens Institute of Technology |