HFSC Director George Calhoun's Article "Gradually, Then Suddenly… Clarity Comes To The EU" for Forbes

George Calhoun contributes another article to Forbes’ series of posts dealing with the impact and implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for the Financial world.

As a continuation of his series on COVID-19 and its implications on the world, George Calhoun writes about how the virus is affecting the EU’s federal structure. The pandemic has caused the EU to rethink their public policy and continental governance, allowing for a more “robust federal model”. Several countries are approaching previous social and financial ideologies in a different way. Calhoun describes several examples of these changes, with Germany changing its current fiscal policy and turning towards a more modern model. Old ways of thinking about how the EU should operate are sloughing, and new initiatives are forming. The EU is proving that they can be more than a group of nation states, and finally establishing their own federal identity.

Read the Full Article here

George Calhoun is the Director of the Hanlon Financial Systems Center as well as the Founder & Director of the Quantitative Finance Program at the Stevens Institute of Technology. He has spent 25 years in the high-tech segment of the wireless communications industry. He is author of several books on wireless technology, and his new book "Price & Value: A Guide to Equity Market Valuation Metrics" was published this year (2020) by Springer/Apress.