FE521 Web Design

Course Catalog Description


This course aims to provide students skills to present contents, especially financial data visualization, on websites.

Campus Fall Spring Summer
On Campus X
Web Campus X


Professor Email Office

More Information

Course Description

Welcome to FE521!.Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, Javascript and CMS (content management system) are included. Drupal is a main CMS platform we instruct students to deal with all the presentations.

Course Outcome

At the end of the semester, each student is expected to present their drupal website on a specific topic.

Course Resources


Additional References


Grading Policies

  • Homework is assigned according to class contents. (≤60%)
  • The final presentation of your website is the main goal. (≥40%)

Lecture Outline

Topic Reading
Week 1 Introduction to web design and related skills
Week 2 Drupal I: WAMP/LAMP, install Drupal, intro to Drupal (Honglei)
Week 3 Drupal I: Basic Drupal structure, contents and fields (Honglei)
Week 4 Drupal II: Basic Drupal: blocks, menus, views (Honglei)
Week 5 HTML I: HTML (Abhi)
Week 6 HTML II: HTML + CSS (Abhi)
Week 7 CSS: CSS (Abhi)
Week 8 Drupal IV: Modules in Drupal: panel, RSS aggregator, calendar, contact form, google chart
Week 9 JavaScript I: Basic: javascript
Week 10 JavaScript II: javascript (Abhi)
Week 11 JavaScript III: D3.js, how to embed in Drupal
Week 12 Plotly (this is an easy app using D3.js, requires js or r)
Week 13 Other CMS and fancy applications in Drupal
Week 14 Final: Presentation on the personal website